If your practitioner application is approved, you will be given a Practitioner code for use with your clients/patients so that they may apply for a ‘Practitioner Client’ account. Their Practitioner Client will connect to your account for referral income.

Simply have your clients/patients sign up for a ‘Practitioner Client’ with your code and detail and we will do the rest.

Benefits of your Practitioner Account include:

  • Practitioner pricing on our highly effective product range with up to 20% discount
  • The Practitioner / Practitioner Client option is an alternative set up to our new affiliate marketing programme
  • Track your clients/patients purchases

Applications will be reviewed within 3 days of being received. Please note that not everyone who applies for a Practitioner account will be eligible to join the programme. Practitioner and Practitioner Client orders are also not eligible for commission on our affiliate marketing programme which operates separately.

All Practitioner Accounts with Rosita Real Foods that are inactive for more than a 12-month period may be downgraded or removed and you may have to reapply to regain Practitioner access.

If your Practitioner account is only used for occasional personal use then we reserve the right to revoke Practitioner access.

Please note Practitioner Accounts do not qualify for free shipping on orders.

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